Riviera Bay Beach Club



The Riviera Bay Beach Club (est 1953) is a private non profit property owners Association located on Silver Bay in the Silverton section of Toms River, Ocean County, New Jersey. The area was formerly known as the Riviera on the Bay Development. Buyers in the defined geographically area were given the option to join the Association by paying an assessment on the property purchased from the Developer. The property owners could then use the beach and clubhouse as an extension of their purchased property. It was not and still not mandatory to join. The Club is owned by the membership and operated by an elected Board of Directors. Financially, the Club solely survives on the membership paying dues, assessments, fundraisers and volunteer work maintaining the building and property. The seasonal dues is presently $ 165.00 (call or email for boundaries)

Property owners in the Riviera on the Bay Development should inquire if the assessment has already been paid by a former owner. If so the certificate can be transferred for a one time fee of $ 200.00. If not satisfied by the former owner there will be an assessment of $ 400.00 for membership which can be paid over 5 years, if desired. Membership must be approved by the Board of Directors at their monthly meetings.

Social membership is for renters or property owners and their families outside the Riviera on the Bay Development. Toms River residence is required. Seasonal dues is presently $ 230.00 or $215.00 for returning Social members from the previous season.

The clubhouse will be open to the membership and their guests from 11 am to 5 pm daily during the season, Memorial Day to Labor Day. No beach badges will be issued. All Members are limited to ten guests per visit and must be present at all times with their guests at the club. Remember... children under 14 years old MUST be accompanied by an adult member.

Clubhouse rentals are available to the existing membership in good standing and with paid up dues for the season. Applications will be accepted as of March 1st each season. New Social Members have a 30 day window after establishing a membership to apply for a rental. The requirements for renting the clubhouse will be strictly enforced. They are posted in the clubhouse and on our website. All damages will be the responsibility of the renting member. Email TRRBBC@gmail.com for applications, requirements, available dates and fees or download for the website... WWW.TRRBBC.COM

Sincerely, The Board of Directors